25 May 2012

Word 2010 “Error! Unknown document property name”

If you got an error in Word text after print preview or after printing:


This place in your document was containing some other text. If you want to print your document without error code(s), you must convert affecting fields to text before printing.

To see, what is the field formula behind that, you can press Alt+F9, which toggles the field codes on/off. Codes will look like this:


Anyway, you must open the document again and convert each field to text with Ctrl+Shift+F9 (your cursor must be inside the field and the surrounding text will be grayed). Of course you can select all text with Ctrl+A to replace all fields to text at once. If the field is in footer or header area, you must double-click it first, and then press Ctrl+A-


  1. Thank you very much. This information is quite useful.

  2. I thought this was a life saver, and I replaced both the items that appeared. But it still prints the message on the bottom of each page!

  3. This was very helpful. You solved my problem, thanks!

  4. Very useful information... Thanks a lot dude...!!!

  5. Perfect! I thought I knew a lot about Word but this really bailed me out.

  6. You are a GENIUS! Thank you!

  7. Here is a more permanent solution:
    1. Press ALT+F9 as instructed
    2. You will notice one or more CUSTOM objects in the form
    3. “Customer Name” in this case is the CUSTOM object
    4. Do the following to define the “Customer Name” in Microsoft Word:
    a. Click FILE -> Under INFO, choose PROPERTIES -> ADVANCED PROPERTIES as shown below

    b. Click the CUSTOM tab and add “Customer Name” as the CUSTOM NAME (variable) and your real customer name as the VALUE (example ABC Corporation) as show below. Click ADD and OK after adding.

    c. Get back to your document and click ALT+F9 again to toggle back
    d. Then select entire document with CTRL+A then press F9 to update your entire document

  8. Worked Great thanks

  9. You're a hero!
    Thank you very much.
