23 July 2013

Get sizes of inactive protection objects in DPM 2012

If your disk is becoming full on DPM server, then you need to delete inactive protection objects like I described in article http://raunomagi.blogspot.com/2012/05/microsoft-dpm-2010-delete-inactive.html.

But when you don’t want to delete all inactive objects, then you need to analyze, how much space can you recover by deleting individual inactive objects.

This can be done in DPM Management Shell using just one line of code (but a very long one :)

Get-Datasource -Inactive | select computer,logicalpath,@{Name="size"; Expression = {[int](($_.ReplicaSize+$_.ShadowCopyAreaSize)/1GB)}} | sort size -Descending | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter `t -NoTypeInformation | clip


This command takes all inactive replicas, selects host, path and size in GB. Then sorts it by size, converts to tab separated CSV stream and puts it to clipboard. After that command you can paste the clipboard info into Excel worksheet to do pivot tables or whatsoever.


1 comment:

  1. This one works without pasting to excel:

    Get-Datasource -Inactive | select computer,logicalpath,@{Name="size"; Expression = {[int](($_.ReplicaSize+$_.ShadowCopyAreaSize)/1GB)}} | sort size -Descending | ogv
