Actually you need just few lines
Output will be in clipboard (in this case it will be with tab separated for easy pasting into Excel or similar)
Actually you need just few lines
Output will be in clipboard (in this case it will be with tab separated for easy pasting into Excel or similar)
Resize using this command line (PowerShell as Administrator):
Get-Partition -DriveLetter c | Resize-Partition -Size 96GB
If you just want remotely use mmc, then start services.msc and connect to remote computer
If you want to use PowerShell, use the following command (atagateway is one example service and serverX is example server name):
If you have remote PowerShell enabled, then you can also use this command:
To upload already encrypted drive bitlocker key to AD, you can use this PowerShell oneliner. Remember to use "run as administrator"
If you already have the information in AD, then it doesn't hurt, it will not create any duplicates in AD