14 November 2019

How to install Adobe Reader using command line

First you need to open powershell as admin by pressing Windows+X and then A.

In the powershell prompt type following:

iwr https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1 -UseBasicParsing | iex

This will install chocolatey software management utility.

Open next powershell window using the same Windows+X, A shortcut and type:

cinst adobereader -y

This will install Adobe Reader to your system.

To list, what software has been installed using chocolatey, use this command:

clist -l

To get more information about chocolatey, go to web site https://chocolatey.org/


13 November 2019

How to resize partition from Windows command line

If you have already resized your disk in VM disk size, then you can do the remaining from command line. You can do it even remotely using psexec.exe (psexec diskpart \\yourservername)

You need to run diskpart.exe and give only 2 commands there:

sel vol c:

After that you partition is resized. If you need to resize some other drive letter, then you must surf around and find the right volume using commands like list disk or list volume or list partition.